
All users of the core facility will be given an orientation and annual site-specific training. You will also need the appropriate animal handling, radiation safety training, etc. through Environmental Health and Safety and Campus Animal Resources. We will train users how to use the imaging systems, to prepare animals for imaging and to analyze their images.

Instrumentation Training Requirements

InstrumentOnline TrainingIn Person Training
Imaging CoreIQ building access 
IQ COVID return to work training
Annual Imaging core site-specific training 
Jeremy or Christiane
MicroCTAnalytical x-ray radiation (annual) 
Request a dosimeter badge and a ring 
Training on instrument 
IVISTraining on Instrument 
Jeremy, Christiane 
HYPERTraining on Instrument 
Jeff, Jeremy
MSOTLaser Safety (if using handheld mode) Training on Instrument 
Jeremy, Md 
MRITraining on Instrument, MRI safety at imaging core 
PETRadiation Safety (initial and annual refreshers) 
Request a dosimeter badge and 2 rings 
Training on Instrument 
XerraCryogen safety Training at instrument 
Jeremy, Christiane 
Animal RoomCampus Animal Resources ( 
Working with AnimalsBiosafety initial and refresher 
Bloodborne pathogens initial and refresher 
Species specific training 
Instrument-specific training, isoflurane vaporizers 
Jeremy and Christiane 
MPITraining on instrument 
Jeff, Jeremy, Christiane 

For more information regarding the training process, please contact us.